Friday, March 22, 2019

Idea Napkin No. 2

I am a college student that likes to hangout with friends and go out. My talents include being a good leader, bringing out the best in everyone, and being able to connect with people. My experiences include leading a club and raising lots of money for our cause. I aspire to be successful and make the world a better place by helping others and bringing others up. This business design for me would play a role in my life because it would be easier and cheaper for me to eat on campus on the weekend, and I can use the money for other things that I would want.

I am offering to my customers the ability to go anywhere to eat on the weekends and be able to rely on the place being open. My customers are college students who live on campus and do not have any form of transportation or would rather eat on campus during the weekends and not have to commute anywhere. The customers all have in common that they want to have extended hours during the weekend to enable them to eat anywhere at any time they want. The customers care because they are tired of paying extra money and giving up extra time to go off campus to get food. These customers would rather pay a small amount of money for extra convenience and cheaper food options. What sets me apart from others is my drive to find common ground between people and make everyone happy. I want the solution in the end to be something that both parties can be happy with.

I think that all of the elements of my business fit together well because I know who I am targeting, and I know what those people want. I don’t think that there are many weak parts because I believe there would be high demand with everything that I am bringing to the table.

The feedback I got was very positive and I was happy that people thought that my idea was well put together and doable. They did say however that they are worried about the price being a turn off for college students. I considered it and I decided to disagree with this idea. I think that college students are also concerned about time, and if I save them time during the weekend then they probably wouldn’t be worried about spending a little extra money. The difference between the money that they would spend at an off campus place and a place on campus would be greater than the simple cost of paying for my service.


  1. Hey Nathan I agree with you that eating at the University of Florida on the weekends is a problem. Mainly it is so tough because you have to spend money and many college students don't have the funds for that. Overall keep up the good work and I hope you can follow through with your idea because it is something that must be addressed.

  2. Hi Nathan,
    I do think you have a sizeable market of students who would be willing to pay a little extra to save time and energy by not having to go off campus to get food. However, services such as Uber Eats and Postmates can serve a similar purpose, also for a small fee. My question to you is how do you plan to gain an edge on these delivery giants? Will the fee be less than theirs, or will the restaurants you extend the hours for be exclusive to your service?
