Friday, February 15, 2019

Idea Napkin No. 1

1.     I am a freshman at the University of Florida studying Finance and involved with Greek life. My talents include knowledge in bass fishing, ability to play ice hockey, and connecting with people. I aspire to be successful and continue to have a strong work ethic. I want to work to make people’s lives better and help them be successful as well. I think that this business could help my life because it would be easier to get food on the weekends for myself, and it would also help the companies make more money.
2.     I am offering to my customers the potential to make more money by opening their stores on the weekend so that they can gain more customers who want their products. This will allow the students to have good places to eat on the weekends and will also allow for companies on campus to make more money.
3.     My customers are students that are living on campus and do not have a form of transportation to get around.
4.     People would pay me money for my service because they need places to eat on campus during the weekends and the convenience of having places on campus open would be great for them, and I believe that they would be willing to pay me for this opportunity.
5.     I think that my ability to communicate and make everyone happy will allow me to make an agreement for the companies to open their stores on the weekend to allow for customers to eat there on the weekend.

I believe that my concept is solid and can be put into place on campus here at the University of Florida. However, I have some doubts about the customers willingness to pay extra money to have the shops open on the weekends. Taking all of these things into account, I think the demand to fix this problem is high enough to the point that I can gain a great number of customers.


  1. Hey Nathan,
    I could not agree with you more that there needs to be more places on campus to eat and the ones that are open need to extend their hours. I am also in a fraternity and i eat there on the weekdays but during the weekends I need places to eat and I end up going to places that are closed. Or sometimes when I go later at night it is always closed already. Great Point!

  2. Hey Nathan,
    You make a great point about how our on campus dining options are sub-par. Extending the hours could possibly fix this dilemma but, I believe that if it comes at the cost of more money; that is where you’ll lose a lot of college students because they typically live a fairly frugal lifestyle due to tuition, student loans, etc . Nice post.
