A list of 20 things that bug me:
1. Why do people think I should be impressed by their tricked out fast car?
-Because they spent a lot of money and time on it to look cool so that it will impress people.
2. Why is my internet so slow?
-Because internet speed is not universal across all locations.
3. Why does that little kid have no manners?
-Because their parents are not strict enough on them, and don't correct their behavior.
4. Why did that small car take up two parking spots?
-Because the driver is lazy and doesn't want to re park.
5. Why do people cough without covering their mouth?
-Because they don't care about the health of others around them.
6. Why are these employees incompetent?
-Because they are young and not educated enough or older and can't work anywhere else.
7. Why do people only leave a little bit of milk in the jug?
-Because if they had used the last drops it would have overflown the cup.
8. Why are some people hypocritical?
-Because they are ignorant.
9. Why do some people post so much on Facebook?
-Because they want everyone to know what they are doing at all times.
10. Why is the word "ironic" used incorrectly so often?
-Because people don't know the actual definition.
11. Why do some people not care about their spelling?
-Because they are lazy and want to rush through it.
12. Why is "New Year New Me" not an all year thing for the people that say it?
-Because they get tired of the grind and go back to their original ways.
13. Why do some people not have good hygiene?
-Because they don't think they smell bad when they actually do.
14. Why do some girls use excessive makeup?
-Because they think that it makes them better looking when in reality it looks fake.
15. Why are some phrases overused by people?
-Because they think that the phrases are funny when in reality they get annoying.
16. Why do people bully each other?
-Because they want to make themselves feel better about themselves.
17. Why do people get offended so easily these days?
-Because we are not taught to be able to just take it.
18. Why do some people let their rooms get so messy?
-Because they are too lazy to do clean it themselves.
19. Why are some ceilings not tall enough for me to walk under?
-Because they are meant for people that are shorter than I am.
20. Why do some people talk over the professor?
-Because they don't want to learn about what the professor is saying and they don't care about other people learning the material.
When writing my 20 bugs, I had some difficulty coming up with all 20 bugs. It was a little difficult because I don't get too mad at things, so I don't have a lot of pet peeves. I think that pet peeves are easier to see when they are happening in front of you, and they are just harder to think of randomly when doing an assignment like this one. Once I figured out a solid list of pet peeves, I found it relatively easy to answer all of them. I think that it was interesting thinking of the pet peeves and how much they make me angry when they happen. Once I thought of them it was clear that they bothered me a lot.
Hey Nathan, after reading your list of bugs I can see that you put a lot of time into determining what bothers you the most. We had many similar bugs that are really truly annoying and I'm glad someone other than me notices it too. I couldn't agree more that it is way easier to notice some of our pet peeves on a day to day. Overall great work man!